2014: A Haphazard Reflection

In the following post I, Super Koala, will attempt to reflect upon the year 2014.  I’ve never done a reflection type post like this, and I tend to forget relatively important details, so we’ll see how my portion of this works.  Captain Spazzmataz will be posting below me.

Super Koala’s 2014

January: I came to the very important and impacting realization that I was going to purchase a house.  January launched a month of house hunting, scouring areas of Springfield I didn’t even know existed, and important life conversations.  I also started my second semester teaching, a little smarter and wiser than I was at the beginning of the school year.

February: With the guidance of my rad parents, I closed on THE house, making me an almost official homeowner.  I road in a wheelbarrow at my job, and realized I needed to find more hobbies in the face of tremendous snow days.  Sparhawk bought me an infinity ring for Valentine’s Day, an adorable trinket I’d semi-secretly lusted after for easily a year.  It was a tremendous victory; I wear it nearly every day.

March: I experienced my first paid Spring Break, which we got to keep even with tremendous snow days.  Spazzmataz and I actually adventured outside during the break, and we officially began this excellent little blog.  I realized what it meant to put on a play, thus gaining tremendous respect for all who endeavor to do so professionally.  Seriously.  Go you.

April: During one very perfect weekend that included my sister and father in Springfield, my first 5k, and an AllTimeLow concert, I turned 23.  I fell in fascination with John and Hank Green, the most delightful siblings I can think of excluding the Spazz and myself.  Sparhawk performed his senior recital; I was so impressed.  I chopped off all my hair, received the keys to my house, ate a first meal of Sonic in the house with my Spirit Dog, and we officially completed the play.  It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.  Secretly the best.

May: After months of anticipation, Sparhawk and I moved into the house.  I did terrible and wonderful things like pick out furniture.  I finished my first year of teaching and attended my first graduation as a teacher.  I understood why my job is so fantastic, and settled in for my first teacher summer.  PapaBird came to town for a week and a half and made my house essentially perfect while we went on many Springfield adventures.

June: I did not go to Hawaii.  This was obviously an utter tragedy.  However, I did spend a week in St. Louis with just my mother and my dog.  I unpacked my entire life’s worth of belongings.  At the end of the month, we adopted a new furry child.  Insanity and hilarity have ensued ever since.

July: Turns out, owning a house means lots of random people ring your doorbell and want things from you that you don’t want to give them.  In response, I semi-stopped opening the door.  Whoops.  The Spazzmataz’s monthly visit to Springfield came to a sad ending.  Not that anything sad happened, other than her departure.  Annabelle saved us from a potentially sketchy guest, making her the best puppy ever.  Baby Nyx decided to love me but to continue hating Sparhawk.  I risked my life Ziplining, but rollercoasters made me feel better.

August: The new school year started, and Sparhawk began his student teaching.  BooBoo joined Spazz and I at the wonderful YMCA bookfair where many books were purchased.  An excessive amount of used books was not enough.  Spazzmataz and I had to go to Barnes and Noble to find the materials that would launch our postcard and wrecking project.  5 o’clock in the morning became my regular acquaintance, causing many theoretical tears.

September: Settling into the swing of the new school year took some adjustment.  But my group of Spawn Boys, as I shall always remember them, quickly formed.  The weather was beautiful, hours were spent at the dogpark, and the pumpkin items that delight my soul came out to play.  Sparhawk and I spent the most perfect morning I can think of, at the farmer’s market with the pups followed by breakfast at the Aviary.  I remembered that it’s important to socialize, even if I just want to introvert it up on a daily basis.

October: By complete random happenstance, I saw a simultaneous blood moon and a lunar eclipse.  5 AM seemed a little less scary afterwards.  For some unknown reason, I got really into high school softball.  The craze has faded.  Spazz and I ran our third 5k, and got fancy medals for our performance.  I discovered the most exquisite of events, the Pets and Pumpkins Parade, and many very missed friends came back into town for Homecoming.

November: Time began to fly at school.  Everything that seemed hard to manage got easier.  I got to be a speech coach again, and my students did a really excellent job.  I got all nostalgic and got to reunite with a college friend/fellow coach.  I got back into writing but quickly fell out of it again.  Sadness.  Nyxie frolicked in the snow for the first time, and I began to covertly feed Izzie treats.  This makes me feel like I’m interacting with my neighbors, which doesn’t make any sense.

December: The last days of the semester flew by at an alarming rate, and rapidly closed another period of time in my crazy career.  I feel like I learned a lot in the fall semester, and I want to remember to apply all that I’ve learned in the spring.  I set goals for myself that I want to meet, if not exceed.  I spent some very excellent Silver Dollar City time with a very excellent boy, reminding me why I appreciate him so much.  I purchased tickets to see the love of my life (Bo Burnham) live.  Finally, the puppy girls and I headed forth to St. Louis, where we had much needed family time, landing me right here on the bed in the basement where I now type.

What up, 2015?

Captain Spazzmataz’s 2014

January: January marked the beginning of a second semester that started almost an entire week late because of massive amounts of snow. It was also the time that I decided that I was going to run a marathon by the time I graduated College, and thus began the great race of a lifetime.

February: I cannot remember a thing from February, so I guess it was a waste of a month.

March: The thing that is The Adventures of Super Koala And Captain Spazzmataz came to life. Also a very snowy Spring Break.

April: I turned 16 and got my drivers license, attended my first ever concert, and completed my first ever 5K.

May: I finally finished school on the last day of the month and got a major hair cut.

June: I took an amazing trip to Hawaii with the great Oakville Marching Band. It will probably be the band trip to beat from here on out. I also spent the first half of time with Super Koala in Springfield, and I had to  choke down parts of The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

July: My time with Super Koala ended, but over the course of it, she got a new dog, and we went on many adventures including a second 5K. Band camp started and I got awesomely horrible tan lines that are still visible in some place.

August: The new school year started and so did my grueling practice for All Suburban auditions (even though they weren’t until November).

September: The competitions for marching season began, and we really sucked, but we kept keppin on. This month also started my great semester of procrastination.

October: I completed my third 5K and visited my first possible college. The marching season came to an end with a fantastic win.

November: I made All Suburban band! Also, the school year started to come to a close, and I could feel the pressure to get all A’s. I also got my braces off!

December: The last days of school flew by, and I wasn’t even stressed by the time finals week rolled around. I finished the semester with all A’s, and I finished the year with my sister. It was the first time that I have ever made resolutions and drank sparkling grape juice.

I am terribly sorry that I don’t have more to reflect on, but it seems as though my memory is worse than Super Koala’s. Hopefully next year I will be able to remember more.