1001 Movies: The Producers

From the Bed of Super Koala:

I had many thoughts about The Producers, and I’m not really sure how to process it.  The following is my attempt.

First of all, someone needed to talk to the costuming department.  I just cannot handle Max’s hair.  At all.  What is happening?  Why is it so gross?  This fundamentally improved throughout the movie, particularly with the addition of a hat and/or helmet.  Additionally, why did all the men in make up have to be so scary?  Why did they have to wear so much make up?  I know some men that look absolutely gorgeous with a little cosmetic magic, but all of the made up men in this movie just gave me the heebie jeebs.    Finally, in regards to the costume/make up issue, why did the old women have to look so terrible?  Seriously, all this movie taught me was that old women were so scary looking in the 1960s.  Was there no better lighting they could put on them?  Could no one be a little gentler in this regard?

I’m always astounded that Mel Brooks movies are rated PG, as are the students that watch them in my classes.  This movie was no exception.  The entire opening segment was mildly traumatizing, mildly hilarious.  I wish I had a picture of Sparhawk’s face as it was happening.  But I kind of feel this way about all of the humor in Brooks’ films.  I’m perpetually walking the line between absolutely horrified and absolutely amused.  I suppose that is masterful on his part.  That being said, the Kafka reference in this film is perfect, so A+ for that.

My next question about this film is simple: why are people always yelling?  I think there are a lot of funny moments that end of leaving me irritated because I hate unnecessary yelling.  I know that a little hysterical yelling is kind of Gene Wilder’s thing, but did it have to be everyone’s thing?

Finally, I need to know one last crucial detail.  From watching this film, I picked up on the implication that Leo Bloom is actually the grown version of Linus from Peanuts.  Am I right, or am I right?

3 stars overall.

From the Bed of Captain Spazzmataz,

So, all of the other Mel Brooks movies we have watched so far did not go over very well with me, however I enjoyed this one. It was very unsettling at the beginning and I actually paused it to check the rating about three minutes in. Nonetheless, I found this film amusing whereas the others I just found dumb.

I think Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder worked wonderfully together, and even though they were attempting to pull off a large scale scam, I was rooting for them to succeed. I absolutely loved when Leo had his first major fit of hysteria. I laugh to myself every time I think of the line, “I’m in pain and I’m wet and I’m still hysterical!”

I agree with Super Koala that the costuming and make up was atrocious. But I also think that added to the humor of the characters.

4 stars

1001 Movies: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

From the Bed of Super Koala:

Among many movies on this list that have made me feel otherwise, I think this film truly counts as one I should see before I die.  I feel like it gives great exposure to horror films, silent films, and foreign films.  While it occasionally made me sleepy, and I don’t need as long as it gave me to read the dialogue items, I actually really enjoyed the production of this movie.

Easily, my favorite part of this movie was what they did with the set.

I read that the sets were made out of paper.  Given this, I love what the achieved with concepts depth and lighting.  It’s absolutely beautiful, while still being very macabre.  All the attention to details and nuances made this really enjoyable on a purely visual level.  I think they did an equally impressive job creating similar effects with the character’s make up.

After viewing the ending twist, I can’t help but wonder how influential this movie was on films and literature to follow.  The “it’s all a delusion” is still used films today.  (Here’s looking at you, Shutter Island.)  I definitely want to learn more about this topic, and when this particular plot device rose to popularity.  It will be interesting to see where The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari comes into play.

Overall, four stars.

From the Bed of Captain Spazzmataz,

First off, I really like that this movie was broken up into acts. Due to the fact that it was a silent film, and that I was watching it pretty late at night, I appreciated that I could measure how much time was left by the acts and therefore it was easier to stay awake. Not that the film was boring at all, as a matter of fact it was very entertaining, but silent films demand a different kind of wakefulness that is very difficult to maintain when you are sleepy to begin with.

I give super props to this movie given the fact that I had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen until about the last thirty seconds of the movie. Most movies today are very predictable, and I am glad that I was kept guessing until the end. I had no idea that it was all a hallucination of sorts, so the entire time I was just really perplexed by all of the events that took place.

Now that I know the nature of the movie, the sets totally make sense. While watching it, I was very confused by the slanty buildings and strange shadows, but at the end it all came together.

It is one of those movies that makes you think about everything you just saw after it is over, and I really appreciate that. Also, I think it would be so cool to see how amazing those actors would be if they could act in a movie today. They had such amazing body language and facial expressions that were crucial because of the lack of words. I think all actors should have to go through a silent film class or something to learn how to portray emotion and expression like that.

Great movie. 4 stars.

1001 Movies: Days of Heaven

From the Couch of Super Koala:

I don’t think this is a movie I needed to see before I died.

I’m sorry pretty, young Richard Gere, but I just don’t.  It was a good movie; I enjoyed it as a whole, but I think I could also have lived quite happily without having seen it.

That being said, while looking up pictures for this movie, I found it described as a “screen poem.”  This, I absolutely adored.  The simplicity of the dialogue but the complexity of the events presented in the film lend so well to this description.  One of the attributes I consistently enjoyed about this movie was that it expected a level of intelligence from the viewer.  It is subtle.

In terms of acting, I particularly enjoyed the young girl.  I love her odd, rough voice as that of the narrator.  I found it very appropriate that the movie began and ended with her perspective, as opposed to one of the characters in central focus.

What I did not need was a close up montage of locusts feasting.  That I could have done without, Days of Heaven.

In all, a solid, well-made film.  It’s just not one I would chose to return to.  Three stars.

From the Bed of Captain Spazzmataz,

I really did enjoy this movie. I thought the lack of dialog was really refreshing. I loved how you could tell what was going to happen next from the music instead of what the characters were saying. However, because of that, some really drastic jumps were made in the plot. I understand that it is something the audience can get and follow along with, but some of the sudden plot advances were just a little too extreme to seem real.

For example, the farm owner all of a sudden loves the girl when they haven’t spoken or been near each other for more than five minutes total. It just doesn’t make much sense. Also, my personal rating of this movie dropped quite a bit when they wouldn’t stop showing all of the bugs. It was just too much. I get it. Please, I don’t need to see them so much.

I was a little confused by the ending as well. It just seemed to stop. Everyone went off on their separate ways and I didn’t really see how it all tied together.

Overall, it was a pretty good film, and I too like that it is called a screen poem.

3 stars

1001 Movies: Titanic

From the Bed of Captain Spazzmataz:

Titanic. Where do I begin.

I am going to start by saying that I now officially feel more cultured because, believe it or not, this is the first time I have seen the movie. Ever. In 17 years, I have only seen it once. I think it is pretty amazing that I hadn’t seen it until now.

Don’t get me wrong, the movie was really great, but I don’t think any movie should be much longer than two hours. After that, I just lose interest, and it seems like a hassle to watch it because they take up so much time. After watching Titanic, I felt like my entire afternoon had been wasted. If Rose would have not gone back down so many times, it would have shaved off a lot of time.

That is the other issue I had. Rose could have been on a lifeboat with her mother very early. And then she was safely on one later, but decided it would be a good idea to jump off! Jack seemed like a very resourceful guy, so I am pretty sure he would have found his way onto a boat if he didn’t have to worry about getting her on to one so much. If Rose would have just done what she was told to, they probably both would have lived.

Other than that and the time, I really did enjoy the movie. I loved how detailed everything was as well as how the movie shifted in and out of present and past time. The casting was really wonderful too. DiCaprio and Winslet’s chemistry on screen was just fantastic, and you could tell they were having fun with it. Also, the music was just phenomenal. The soundtrack was so fitting that the mood and setting and everything melded so well and really pulled everything together. It won three Oscars and two Golden Globes just for the sound and music, and they were definitely rightly awarded.

I can say with confidence that this movie belongs on this list.

4 Stars

From the Couch of Super Koala, Who is Skyping the Spazz:

Just as the Spazzmataz before me, I too enjoy Titanic.  Titanic came out when I was much younger (second grade? I dunno), and it was all the rage with its pretty boy DiCaprio and nudie Kate Winslet parts.  It was quite the topic of gossip, whose parents would let them watch Titanic and whose would not.

My only frustration regarding Titanic is everyone’s frustration regarding Titanic.  Why is Rose so dumb?  Like the Spazz pointed out, Rose has so many chances to live that could have also resulted in Jack living.  There’s a certain point where it’s not “romantic” anymore and just becomes shenanigans level selfish.  To demonstrate with the door alone:

That being said, the movie is beautiful.  I love the sets so much.  And Bernard Hill as the Captain anyone?  So underrated.

I also give it four stars.

1001 Movies: Four Weddings and a Funeral

From the Couch of Super Koala, Do I Ever Leave?, You May Wonder:

Our streak of romantic comedies continues with the 1994 film, Four Weddings and a Funeral.

It was kind of strange to have a movie that spoiled all of the events in its own title.  But, Spazzmataz and I had fun guessing what weddings and whose funeral would follow.  The movie itself was cute; it was fun and refreshing.  I’m so used to seeing suave, playboy Hugh Grant that it was nice to see baby him looking sheepish and unsure.

My show stealer for this one was easily John Hannah.  My only John Hannah movies had been the Mummy series, don’t judge too harshly, where I also adored him.  But this performance was so different from the goofy, inappropriate character in the Mummy.  He was so heartfelt, soft, and endearing.  The eulogy he delivers at the titular funeral was so tasteful; I loved everything about it.

The movie basically summarizes everything a nine season sitcom does on television.  It presents a great group of friends, plenty of hijinks, and a sense of honesty.  The characters haven’t been given too much movie magic; they’re realistic and, as such, very lovable.

Four stars.

Butt Total: None.  Though it was precarious.

From the Chair of Super Koala, this is Captain Spazzmataz:

I too enjoyed the fun and charming attitude of this movie. Movies are almost always better when everyone (or in this case almost everyone) is British. It just makes everything more enjoyable to listen too.

All of the characters were all likable, his brother was hilarious, his friends are absolutely wonderful and I want them to be my friends. There were definitely parts that kept me guessing which is pretty amazing because most romantic comedies are very predictable. I felt many feelings. I was happy, giggling, upset, stressed, and everything in between. Basically this movie had all of the really great elements that made me happy. It was especially refreshing amidst all of the war movies that we have watched lately.

4 stars

1001 Movies: Patton

From the Chair of Super Koala, this is Captain Spazzmataz:

Most of the war movies that we have watched this month have been really good. This was good as well, but not my favorite. It is really hard to like a movie when the main character is absolutely repulsive. It isn’t even the actor’s fault, I thought he did a really good job, it is just the general attitude of George S. Patton that is really off putting.

I did really enjoy the plot of the movie and how everything unfolded. I thought it was really interesting, and there were lots of things that I didn’t know before that were brought to light. It was kind of nice to see WWII through just one person. When learning about it in school they try to show you the war from every angle, but seeing it focused on just one person was very refreshing.

Over all, I thought the movie was really good, it is just incredibly difficult to enjoy a movie with a sour main character. Every time you thought he was getting better, he just got worse again.

3 stars

From the Couch of Super Koala:

I fell asleep for the middle section of this movie, so this review will probably be scant.

Like the Spazz, I thought the George C. Scott did a wonderful job in the role of the title character.  He almost made Patton likeable, which is definitely saying something.  His performance is basically the sole focus of the entire movie as he’s almost always on screen.

I do wonder about the movie’s reception in the 70s.  While watching, Sparhawk pointed out that it would have came out at the peak of the American-Vietnam conflict.  It makes me curious how people would have received a three hour pro-military movie.

The ultimate downside of this movie is that I fell asleep, so I was obviously missing a certain element of interest.  The 70s have such a specific filming style that I don’t always love, and that was definitely in full effect here.

3 stars.

Butt Total: None to my waking memory.

1001 Movies: Bowling for Columbine

From the Couch of Super Koala, No One is Surprised:

So many thoughts on this movie.  As a precursor, this was my first Michael Moore documentary, so I’m pretty unfamiliar with his work.  All I previously knew of him was what the general, mainstream media says.

This documentary served the excellent purpose of exploring a problem.  The problem is not just guns in America but, more specifically, gun death in America.  Other topics roped in for the ride include the NRA, the emergence of school shootings, the media, racism, consumerism, and the general culture of fear and violence that surround our fair country.  Outstanding cameos include Marilyn Manson, Charleston Heston, Matt Stone, and this guy with crazy eyes:

I really enjoyed this documentary.  It presented its questions and concerns in a reasonable, intelligent manner, and it made me think.  At no point in time was Michael Moore screaming at his subjects or unnecessarily berating them.  The worst he does is subtly make fun of a few people that seem to have no idea it’s happening.  It left me curious as to why people have such negative things to say about Moore.  Obviously the film industry as a whole respects this documentary, it is on the list, but I’ve heard so many negative comments about the filmmaker.  The only reason I can find from this film is that he makes people uncomfortable by being unafraid to present them with difficult information.  I sort of think that’s what art is meant to do.

The assembly of the movie was also very interesting.  I like the pieced together style that still conforms to tell a clear narrative.  Sure, parts of it were painful to watch, but those parts were historical events in our country, no matter how you paint them.  The only thing I wish was different was the sense of resolution.  The film cuts pretty sharply to its ending.  As a slightly optimistic person, I would have liked to have some sort of solution presented, as many documentaries do.  Something that people could work toward to fix the problem.  At the same time, I realize that there is no clear solution to this problem, and it’s not really Moore’s job to create one.

Four stars overall.

Butt Total: Nary a one.

From the Chair of Super Koala, this is Captain Spazzmataz:

I also really enjoyed this documentary. It was extremely eye opening and informational. I am glad that this movie is on the list, because I do think that at least every American should watch this movie. I was so amazed at some of the facts and statistics that were given, and I had no idea how many more gun deaths we have in the US versus any other country. It was also flabbergasting to watch the president of the NRA just get up and walk out of an interview because he couldn’t properly answer a question. Also, I think it is a horrible idea to give out guns at a bank. Whoever thought up that plan was stupid. All someone would have to do is buy bullets previously, and then hold up the bank. Just plain stupidity.

I too have no idea why everyone hates Moore so much. I was kind of delighted by his work. It was hilarious when he was being sarcastic but the interviewee couldn’t tell, and in a movie with such a heavy subject, it was nice to smile a little. I would gladly watch another one of his documentaries.

4 stars

P.S. After watching this documentary, I was so delighted with Marilyn Manson. I had no idea how intelligent he is, and how insightful he can be.

1001 Movies: Moonstruck

From the Chair of Super Koala, this is Captain Spazzmataz:

This was probably one of the most oddly enjoyable movies I have watched.

I was immediately interested to see this movie after reading that it was about Italian Americans given the fact that Super Koala and I had just talked about them. We are from an Italian American family, and we were discussing what certain factors make them unique and were tossing up story ideas that loosely relate to our family. So upon seeing that this movie was about a family of the same ethnic background, I was excited.

Just about everything portrayed in this movie was very accurate to the way Italian Americans act and live. Every so often Super Koala and I would look at each other and just give a nod implying that we agreed with just about everything that was shown. The only problem that I found was that when the food was placed on the table, people continued to talk, and that isn’t really how it happens. Once the food is out, it gets really quiet until people start to finish up their meals.

The film was oddly enjoyable for many reasons. First off, some of the script wasn’t all that great, especially when it came to Nicolas Cage’s lines, but it sort of worked and just made me giggle. Also, Cher was the leading actress, and she was surprisingly amazing. I loved everything about her character. Furthermore, the fact that everything that happened could totally happen within an Italian American family, and it was just amusing to see the similarity between our family and theirs.

4 stars

Still on the Super Koala Couch:

Olympia Dukakis.  That is all.  Cher was pretty cool, but for real though, Olympia Dukakis.

Anyhow, I very much so agree with Spazzmataz’s review.  This movie was so absurd yet enjoyable.  As Sparhawk pointed out, it feels like a classic comedy for the theater.  Everything gets all crazy and clustered and relationship haphazard and, just when it should all collapse, there is a sudden happy ending.

I can’t believe Nicholas Cage is in this movie.  I had never seen baby Nicholas Cage, and I still don’t like him very much.  But his portrayal here was at least amusing.  I feel like there’s some huge generational joke I’m missing when I watch his performance.  Like, I’m confident a theater full of people would be laughing at all his nonsense, but I am just so confused.  Much like the grandpa in this story.

Excluding Nicholas Cage’s horrible dialogue and delivery, this was a very fun movie.  I’ve never been abundantly fond of romantic comedies, but I appreciated this one.  I actually chuckled.

I was going to give it three stars, but I’d definitely watch it again.  So it’s a four star from me as well.

Butt Total: None, but I did have to look a Nicholas Cage’s weird back tattoo.

1001 Movies: Three Kings

From the Chair of Super Koala, this is Captain Spazzmataz:

I am not normally fond of war movies, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

My only big upset with this movie is that Conrad (the man all the way on the right) doesn’t get to be a “king.” Just because he doesn’t get to complete the task, doesn’t mean he wasn’t important. Also, he was the one who came up with the title by singing “We Three Kings” at the beginning of the movie.

Other than that, I was really interested and captivated through the entire length of the movie. All of the actors were really great, and even though I was incredibly sleepy, I stayed awake for the whole thing.

4 stars

From the Couch of Super Koala:


I had no idea what this movie was about.  Possibly because I was eight at the time of its release, I had never seen any promotional nonsense for it or even been aware that it was, in fact, a movie.  And that is so sad because this movie is awesome.

The evolution of the characters just blew me away.  They start out on such a selfishly inspired quest, and they end up performing this amazing feat at the expense of their own well being.  The best part was that it all made sense.  At no point in time was I like, “Oh, yeah, that would never happen.”  I totally believed the story.  This movie also managed to fantastically show me why people think Ice Cube is a good actor.  I mean, everyone did a nice job acting wise, but Ice Cube sort of stole the show for me.

I don’t really have any negatives for this movie.  It manages to be so funny but also graphic, raw, and realistic.  While I have obviously never experienced wartime first hand, I do feel like this film did a good job of portraying the sentiments many people have overseas toward America in this time period.  Overall, I’m incredibly impressed.

I also give this one five stars.  It was a great day for movie watching.

Total Butt Count: One.  With a map sticking out of it.  Prolonged camera time.  As a viewer, not disturbed.

1001 Movies: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

From the Chair of Super Koala, this is Captain Spazzmataz:

I have found another case in which the sequel is better than the first!

This Terminator was so much better than the original. The action scenes were better, the special effects were better, the dialog was better, and we didn’t get tired and have to watch it in two chunks. Sarah Connor still sort of annoyed me, but for the most part she was better too! There are just some instances in which I am tired of her whining and nonsense, however, she did grow on me a little. Also, Arnold was much more likable. I enjoyed it much better with him as a good guy rather than a bad one. Furthermore, the sound track was infinitely better. I could hear everything without constantly changing the volume. And the Terminator’s theme song was so much better.

Just an all around better movie. 4 stars

From the Couch of Super Koala:

Man, I sit on my couch to type a lot. Anyhow.

Termie!  Like Spazzmataz, I found this movie to be so delightful, even more so than the first.  Kudos to you, James Cameron.  I’ll be nicer in the future when I make jokes about Avatar.  I think the addition of a child figure, particularly a funny, tough, empathetic, well acted one, really softened the movie.  There’s more evidence of the full emotional spectrum.  Parts made me happy, parts made me sad, parts made me chuckle.  I also feel like the evolution of the Terminator was very realistic.  He wasn’t just this suddenly gushing, gooey character.  He developed in a logical, endearing way.

Conversely, I didn’t quite feel the same about Sarah Connor’s development.  Even with the provided back story and the looming doom of humanity, I don’t really get how she turned from a denim wearing, Spanish learning mother-to-be to a traumatized, mental patient escapee.  It just all seemed very drastic.  I will make it my life goal, however, to become Sarah Connor ala Terminator 2 ripped.  Those arms though.

I also got a little tired with the story line.  But only a little.  The end of this movie seemed too similar to the first, what with the Terminator being destroyed and continually respawning.  The shattering into nitrogen bits moment was really cool, but just entirely undermined by the emergence of the T-1000 three seconds later.  It reminded me too much of the explosion scene at the end of the first.

Mild negatives and all, I really liked this movie.  Which is saying a lot, because many action movies tend to bore me a smidge.  For all the delight that it brought me, 5 stars.